On May 31st, 2020, Santa Monica, a coastal city that is over 70% white, was site to a Black Lives Matter protest attended by looting. The city’s main commercial district, located around 3rd Street Promenade, subsequently boarded up, either to cover broken windows or in anticipation of a second wave of pillaging; Abbot Kinney, a smaller commercial district several miles south in Venice, did so as well. Over the following two weeks – and in part due to the efforts of a spontaneously-created local organization, Paint the City Peaceful – artists and other well-meaning individuals from all over the city covered the boards in mostly BLM-themed murals that ranged from beautiful and poignant to crude and perhaps missing the mark. For two weeks at most, Santa Monica was a vast outdoor art gallery, exhibiting a largely non-black community’s artistic efforts at supporting and expressing alliance with BLM. Once the fear of repeat looting faded and the state lunged into its ill-fated reopening, however, this gallery came down piece by piece until only a handful remained.

1511 Lincoln Blvd.
Artist: @imanitheoracle

1447 Lincoln Blvd.
Artist: @davidpuckartist

1443 Lincoln Blvd.
Arists: @primek2s @davidpuckartist

1418 7th St.
Artist: unknown

1460 4th St.
Artist: unknown

1460 4th St.
Artist: @sammys2112

1426 4th St.
Artist: unknown

1338 4th St.
Artist: unknown

1340 4th St.
Artist: @coriemattie

1355 3rd St.
Artist: unknown

1417 2nd St.
Artist: unknown

1431 2nd St.
Artist: @imanitheoracle

335 Wilshire Blvd.
Artist: @notsuremyself

431 Wilshire Blvd.
Artists: @mufasa.floats @jaimepaints

522 Wilshire Blvd.
Artists: @crodavisuals @phoenixcomplex

630 Wilshire Blvd.
Artist: unknown

1234 Wilshire Blvd.
Artist: @imanitheoracle

1331 Wilshire Blvd.

217 Santa Monica Blvd.
Artist: @artssymakk

402 Santa Monica Blvd.
Artists: unknown

456 Santa Monica Blvd.
Artist: unknown

512 Santa Monica Blvd.
Arist: Cliff

620 Santa Monica Blvd.
Artist: @SaraSandovalArt

626 Broadway
Artist: aaron.gonzaalez

626 Broadway
Artist: @littlericky001

727 Broadway
Artist: @mikemds

1212 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Artist: unknown

1306 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Artist: @muckrock

1323 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Artist: @muckrock

1636 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Artist: @ginoperez